Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear Luke, 10 months

Dear Luke,

What a great month!  Let's recap: You have learned how to do "So Big", figured out how to use your play table as a push-toy to practice your walking, gone on many walks in lovely weather, met a few celebrities, and developed the best belly laugh to date.  You've also gotten taller this month.  Your head is just about hitting the bottom of the console table and last month you were a good inch below it.  Your hair has also grown... a lot.  I need to cut it, but for some reason it just feels wrong, so I apologize in advance if you find yourself with a mullet.  I promise I won't let you have one for too long :).
You've also grown your little personality.  We've had So. Much. Fun. this month.  Your interaction with us has increased 10-fold. You want to play with us and try to make us laugh and I can't tell you how much we are enjoying it.  You like to do this fake laugh to get our attention that usually has us doing it back to you and before we know it, has us all laughing.  When we play the game "I'm gonna get you" you scream with delight and go about your fastest crawl until you decide to turn around and just let us get you.  It's something I have to do with you everyday.  We have watched you become quite the dare devil.  I have yet to find something you are afraid of.  You love being tossed in the air, splashing in the tub, putting your face under the running faucet, riding on Daddy's shoulders, and hanging upside down.  All of these things guarantee a big smile from you.  One thing that has not changed this month is your toothless grin.  STILL NO TEETH.  I may have been a little off with my predictions about your teething, but they have got to pop through sometime soon!  Don't get me wrong, I am not rushing them.  I want you to stay in baby stage as long as possible and seeing your gummy smile makes me feel like it's not flying by as fast as it is.  However, I am aware that this month may be the last month of your adorable toothless grin.
It delights my heart to see you filled with so much joy, Luke.  I've been reading a little about joy and where it comes from.  One thing I know is, joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit and when we have joy we glorify God.  Luke, your joy is contagious and I pray God continues to use it for His glory through out your life.
We celebrated Easter this month.  Each year I am literally in awe of what Jesus did for us, but this year it took on another dimension of meaning for me.  I have a son.  I literally cannot imagine what Mary experienced watching her son willingly go to his death.  I cannot understand the love of God knowing what his precious son would do for us.  What an intense love.  Because of what Jesus did, death is not the end, hell is not our fate.  We can stand in the light with Jesus because He is alive!  What JOY we have in Him.
You fill my heart with joy, Luke.  Don't ever forget it.
Love you,


  1. What a cutie! I hope we get to meet him some day.

    I'm so glad you write these letters!

  2. I hope so too! I loved and still love reading your letters to your kids. I remember when you first started writing to Jack, I always anticipated your letters and found myself crying and laughing through each one. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful gift and inspiration! I am so grateful Luke will have these to look back on.



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